Author and Publications

Sustainability Management : Strategies and Execution for Achieving Responsible Organizational Goals.
Sustainability Management is perhaps the most important term in the area of management today. The Harvard Business Review compared what it called the “Sustainability Imperative” to other game changing business mega trends of the past generation, such as the rise of quality movement, the personal computer and the internet. Sustainability is different from environmental movement alone in that it recognizes economic and social imperatives too. ultimately the purpose of this book is to rigger sustainable action from the organization and individual point of view. The book is suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate studies in sustainable management.
It contains the following Chapters:1.Introduction to Sustainability
2. Sustainability Benefits
3. Sustainability Strategies
4.Processes to Achieve Sustainability
5.Sustainability Self Assessment by Sectors and Functions
6.Life Cycle Analysis, Carbon Footprint and Greenhouse Gas Quantifications
7. Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions
8. Sustainability Perspective of an Organization
9. Sustainability through Risk Management
10. Organizational Sustainability
11.Stakeholders and Social License to Operate
12. Leadership, Board’s Role and Governance for Sustainable Change Management
13. Monitoring and Measuring Sustainability
14. Developing Sustainability Metrics
15. Sustainability and Resilience
16. Sustainable Marketing
17. Sustainable Procurement and Supply Chain
18. Sustainable Finance
19. Sustainable Reporting
20. Cases and Appendice

Dr.Deb Prasanna Choudhury has written the following book:
Book Title: Strategic Planning and Management in Nonprofit Organizations and NGOs – Theory, Practice, Research and Cases.
Author: Dr.Deb Prasanna Choudhury
Publisher: Asian Books Private Limited, New Delhi, 2011.
ISBN No: 9788184121612
No. of Pages: 544
he book can be purchased on line directly from the publisher”s website:
About the Book:
Nonprofit sector in India have made an important contribution in bringing about positive social change in terms of relief and welfare services as well as providing sustainable development. Good management of nonprofit organizations is imperative for their survival and sustainability but unfortunately, largely, Indian nonprofit organizations have not been managed effectively and efficiently.
Strategic planning has been extensively and successfully used as a management tool in the management of business/for-profit sector. This book explores the nature of the nonprofit sector, use of strategic planning and performance management in the nonprofit sector and tests the relationship between strategic planning and performance improvement in nonprofit organizations through an actual research study based on Indian nonprofit organizations in India. The central theme of the book is how to improve performance of the nonprofit sector by understanding the nature of nonprofit organizations and application of strategic planning techniques and various other management factors to improve overall accountability and performance. Some of the examples used in this book are from nonprofit organizations in USA to provide more diversity in the application of the principles and it is equally applicable for nonprofit organizations in India.
I think there is a definite need for this book as there is no comparable University syllabus book for nonprofit management in India.
The book has been divided into four parts.
PART I consists of Chapters 1 through 9. Chapter 1 covers analysis and roles of the nonprofit sector together with distinction between nonprofit and profitable/commercial organizations, structural analysis and value creation and innovation in nonprofit organizations as well as conducting of assessment of nonprofit organizations. Chapter 2 covers the strategic planning process in the commercial (for-profit) and nonprofit sectors. Chapter 3 covers performance measurement in the nonprofit sector with a view to improve accountability and management of nonprofit sector. Chapter 4 covers financial management and reporting in the nonprofit industry. Chapter 5 covers Human resource management which is considered as a key resource in nonprofit organizations. Chapter 6 covers the issues of competition and cooperation among nonprofit organizations and Chapter 7 reviews the role of Organization structure and Board of Directors in nonprofit management. Chapter 8 covers nonprofit marketing elements, product range and pricing methods in the nonprofit sector. Chapter 9 covers benchmarking process in nonprofit organizations which is a key factor in meeting nonprofit mission.
PART II (Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14) discusses the research process that covers an actual PhD research done by the author on impact of strategic planning on performance in nonprofit organizations in India. It is hoped that the research case will demonstrate how to conduct research on nonprofit industry at MBA and PhD level particularly keeping in mind that research on nonprofit management in India is negligible.
PART III covers twelve case studies, involving primarily nonprofit sectors on various areas of strategic planning and performance management. These case studies will shed light on how the principals discussed in the book are actually practiced by nonprofit organizations across the world.
PART IV covers four Appendices. Appendix 1 is Elements of Effectively Managed Organization and Appendix 2 covers Nonprofit organizations Assessment tools, which can be very useful for a nonprofit organization to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses and guide them towards better performance. Appendix 3 discusses the research process and Appendix 4 is a statistical Glossary to help the reader get more acquainted with statistical tools for doing research which is essential for postgraduate studies in management.
This book is unprecedented and a pioneer in its coverage as it covers not only the theory and practice of nonprofit sector, strategic planning and performance management and the distinctions between profitable and nonprofit sectors but discusses research methodologies as well as conducting research in the nonprofit industry with the help of an actual research case . It also covers many case studies on strategic planning and performance management in profitable and nonprofit sectors.
The book is now used as a reference text book for non-profit management in many colleges and universities and going for second print.
Other Publications: Published Article titled “Organizational Sustainability and Operational Impact“, International Journal of Management, July, 2016.