Educational and Vocational Training Services

A 3 storey School building has been constructed by Dr.Choudhury. Over 400 students are studying in the school at present. Dr.Choudhury”s goal is to attract students who are both poor and intellectually challenged/deficient so that he can bring them up and integrate them with the main stream and help them live a respectable life. The teaching methods include Vertical and Horizontal teaching methods for better academic results as well as making the students better members of their communities.
The educational and vocational training services have helped in eradicating illiteracy as well as reducing unemployment in the region.
The school offers free coaching for Grades V to XII. In addition to coaching, make -up classes are also offered for students whose learning and educational level are not up to the standard/grades so that they can catch up with other students in the class. Meditation and yoga classes are offered to develop better concentration and memory power. Social value classes are offered to be better citizens and lead them to better thinking and living.
The Vocational training center consists of the following:
Computer Center:
The computer center provides various high quality Diploma courses and professional training courses in joint venture with WEBEL completely free of cost to the poor students. The certificates are awarded jointly by WEBEL and Deb Kalika Choudhury Charity & Development Center. Students who complete the course finds jobs in local industry or teaching.
The following vocational training Diploma courses are offfered:
i) Tailoring for women ii) Electrician Training courses iii) Computer Diploma courses on DTP, Hardware and Networking, Financial Accounting iv) Spoken English and Secretarial v) Dance and Vocal music vi) Combined Coaching for employment examination vii) Women’s development viii) Yoga and Meditation ix) Nursing and x) Tailoring and stitching
Many students have found jobs after completing the above courses.