My Favourites

My motto in life:
Keep moving (no matter what comes your way)
and Make a positive difference to the world
Favourite Quotes:
1. “Be the Change you wish to see in this world”, Mahatma Gandhi
2. “Ask not What your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”, John F.Kennedy
Favourite Idea:
1. The discovery in neroscience that our thoughts can change the structure and function of our brain even in old age. In fact, thinking, learning and acting on it can turn our genes on and off, thus shaping our brain”s anatomy and our behaviour.
Therefore. anyone can be a high achiever at any age with the right pattern of thinking and behaviour.
Favourite websites:
Favourite Topics:
1. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) (Picture Below)
2. Astronomy, Galaxy and the Solar System (Picture Below)
3. Human Anatomy (Picture Below)
Favourite Puzzle:
1. What is the truth? Can it be all translated into absolute truth such as in mathematics? i.e. all points on a circle is equidistant from the center, or just 2+2=4. Are there absolute truth in areas other than in mathematics? Where can I find the truth? Can the truth be found in the changing materialistic world? Does truth have to be eternal and never changing or can it shift?
Favourite Songs:
1. “Thank you”, Alanis Morissette
2. “Akash bhora, Surjyo Tara”, Rabindro Sangeet
Favorite Books:
1. Geetanjali (Rabindranath Tagore)
2. The Tao of Physics (Fritjof Kapra)
3. Development as Freedom (Amartya Sen)
Favorite Motivators:
1. Barrack Obama
2. Mother Teresa
3. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam
Favorite Scientist:
1. Albert Einstein
Favourite Poet:
1. Rabindranath Tagore
Favorite Movie:
1. Gandhi
Favorite Exercise:
1. Yoga (Surya Namaskar) (Picture Below)
Favorite Musical Instruments:
1. Saxaphone
2. Violin
Favourite Picture (Picture Above):
1. Gandhi and Tagore in Santiniketan
Favourite Conversation (Einstein-Tagore, Berlin, July 14, 1930):
TAGORE: I was discussing with Dr. Mendel today the new mathematical discoveries which tell us that in the realm of infinitesimal atoms chance has its play; the drama of existence is not absolutely predestined in character.
EINSTEIN: The facts that make science tend toward this view do not say good-bye to causality.
EINSTEIN: One tries to understand in the higher plane how the order is. The order is there, where the big elements combine and guide existence, but in the minute elements this order is not perceptible.
TAGORE: Thus duality is in the depths of existence, the contradiction of free impulse and the directive will which works upon it and evolves an orderly scheme of things.
EINSTEIN: Modern physics would not say they are contradictory. Clouds look as one from a distance, but if you see them nearby, they show themselves as disorderly drops of water.
TAGORE: I find a parallel in human psychology. Our passions and desires are unruly, but our character subdues these elements into a harmonious whole. Does something similar to this happen in the physical world? Are the elements rebellious, dynamic with individual impulse? And is there a principle in the physical world which dominates them and puts them into an orderly organization?
EINSTEIN: Even the elements are not without statistical order; elements of radium will always maintain their specific order, now and ever onward, just as they have done all along. There is, then, a statistical order in the elements.
TAGORE: Otherwise, the drama of existence would be too desultory. It is the constant harmony of chance and determination which makes it eternally new and living.
EINSTEIN: I believe that whatever we do or live for has its causality; it is good, however, that we cannot see through to it.
EINSTEIN: Can the Indian music be sung without words? Can one understand a song without words?
TAGORE: Yes, we have songs with unmeaning words, sounds which just help to act as carriers of the notes. In North India, music is an independent art, not the interpretation of words and thoughts, as in Bengal. The music is very intricate and subtle and is a complete world of melody by itself.
EINSTEIN: Is it not polyphonic?
TAGORE: Instruments are used, not for harmony, but for keeping time and adding to the volume and depth. Has melody suffered in your music by the imposition of harmony?
EINSTEIN: Sometimes it does suffer very much. Sometimes the harmony swallows up the melody altogether.
TAGORE: Melody and harmony are like lines and colors in pictures. A simple linear picture may be completely beautiful; the introduction of color may make it vague and insignificant. Yet color may, by combination with lines, create great pictures, so long as it does not smother and destroy their value.
EINSTEIN: It is a beautiful comparison; line is also much older than color. It seems that your melody is much richer in structure than ours. Japanese music also seems to be so.
TAGORE: It is difficult to analyze the effect of eastern and western music on our minds. I am deeply moved by the western music; I feel that it is great, that it is vast in its structure and grand in its composition. Our own music touches me more deeply by its fundamental lyrical appeal. European music is epic in character; it has a broad background and is Gothic in its structure.
EINSTEIN: This is a question we Europeans cannot properly answer, we are so used to our own music. We want to know whether our own music is a conventional or a fundamental human feeling, whether to feel consonance and dissonance is natural, or a convention which we accept.
TAGORE: Somehow the piano confounds me. The violin pleases me much more.
EINSTEIN: It would be interesting to study the effects of European music on an Indian who had never heard it when he was young.
TAGORE: Once I asked an English musician to analyze for me some classical music, and explain to me what elements make for the beauty of the peace.
EINSTEIN: The difficulty is that the really good music, whether of the East or of the West, cannot be analyzed.
TAGORE: Yes, and what deeply affects the hearer is beyond himself.